Whistleblowing important tool in fighting corruption

6 months ago 127

Whistleblowing is an important tool in fighting corruption. However, whistleblower protection in South Africa lags behind international standards. The murder of whistleblower Babita Deokaran saw other whistle-blowers go into hiding, fearing for their own safety. There have been calls for urgent measures to be implemented to ensure the physical safety of whistleblowers. Currently, the only legislation specifically protecting whistleblowers in South Africa is the Protected Disclosures Act. This Act provides procedures in terms of which any employee may disclose information relating to an offence or a malpractice in the workplace by his or her employer or fellow employees. To give us his perspective on the plight of whistle-blowers, Zimbabwean activist and investigative journalist Hopewell Chin'ono joins us virtually from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. For more news, visit sabcnews.com and #SABCNews on all Social Media platforms.