Coach Eddie George Shares Updates On Tennessee State University’s Progress

5 months ago 67
Taylor Edwards, gamecocks, TSU, Tennessee state university

'The progress is certainly not as fast as I would like it to be,” George said. “But sometimes you have to tear down things in order to rebuild it and that’s where we’re at right now.'

Tennessee State University football coach Eddie George has already started his fourth year coaching at the school. In a recent interview with News Channel 5 Nashville, he gave an update on how things are progressing at TSU.

The school has experienced several changes since he took over as head coach. A new school board was recently implemented earlier this year after Tennessee State University was overwhelmed with underfunding from the state, multiple audits, housing, and scholarship mismanagement. A new president was brought to the university in June, as Ronald A. Johnson was named interim president.

“It’s been a big challenge both on and off the football field,” George told the media outlet. “Trying to impact the lives of young men while also trying to win games but also trying to change the narrative around Tennessee State as a whole.”

The football team is currently at .500, having split the four games it has played thus far this season. However, the two games in which it was victorious were classics. The Tigers won the John Merritt Classic over Mississippi Valley State and the Southern Heritage Classic against Arkansas-Pine Bluff.

“The progress is certainly not as fast as I would like it to be,” George said. “But sometimes you have to tear down things in order to rebuild it and that’s where we’re at right now. It’s going to be down to bare bones in terms of, OK, we’ve got to get the institution (headed) in the right direction, and a byproduct of that will be the athletic department. We’re doing the best we can with the hand that we’re dealt.

Although he has a record of 17-20 as the head coach, he is still vying to take the team back to the playoffs. TSU hasn’t been there in over 10 years, as the last appearance was in 2013. He led the team to its first winning season since 2015 last year.

George thinks that with the recent changes at the university, it will slowly get back on pace and become a football powerhouse in the future.

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